


0-18 months

The Ducklings are the youngest members of our schoolhouse. During this stage, early childhood education development is critically important. In the infancy period, the brain is affected by the love, care, and experiences provided by caregivers. With our learning program, your duckling will be given love and personalized attention through every milestone to help them feel secure and confident all while developing.



18m - 2.5 year olds

The Bunnies are the most curious and energetic members of our schoolhouse. Our bunnies classroom is fully equipped with developmental materials to help your little ones advance their gross motor skills. Everyday our educators will execute lesson plans that are specifically created to develop their bodies and brains through outdoor play, storytelling, and music.



2.5 - 3.5 year olds

The Piglets are the little explorers of our schoolhouse. Our piglet’s environment has been designed to provide interactive learning and group activities through social and emotional interaction, outdoor play, music, and literacy. Our main goal is to provide your little piglet with a sense of independence as they learn to walk, run, climb, and explore the world. In our school house, we turn every moment into a learning opportunity!



3.5 - 5 years old

The Cubs are the independent thinkers of our school house. The main focus for our Cubs is to develop their love for learning and to think independently. This is achieved by providing the Cubs with skills and guidance every day to make choices and take initiatives. The Cubs are in the “magic years” stage of life because like magic, all of the sudden they become great listeners, follow directions, and can fully communicate. Our educators will focus and help your little Cubs become Bears as they graduate to Kindergarten at Lovettsville Elementary.

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